Browsing All Posts published on »June, 2018«

Banality of Goodness?/Martin Rosenfeld, JD

June 30, 2018


Hannah Arendt, A German-born philosopher of Jewish heritage, created the term “banality of evil” to describe Holocaust-era activities. It was her way of explaining how common-place activities (i.e. banal acts) could lead to monstrous results. In the July-August issue of Smithsonian magazine, Joshua Levine refer to common-place “goodness” and its designation as the “banality of […]

Addendum to Prior Post

June 24, 2018


In a follow-up to the comments by President Trump that were dismissive of Rep. Sanford, divorced in the prior post, the Washington Post tried to elicit comments by colleagues of Rep. Sanford. This was the reaction of one politico who was present when the comments were made: ” ‘It was a couple days long enough […]

Sticks and Stones/Martin Rosenfeld, JD

June 24, 2018


President Trump apparently contributed to the defeat of Rep. Mark Sanford of South Carolina by tweeting his desire to see Mr. Sanford go down in defeat in the Republican primary. That was not enough of an intervention for Mr. Trump. He then referred to Mr. Sanford in front of his colleagues as a “nasty guy”. […]

Our Better Angels/Martin Rosenfeld, JD

June 6, 2018


National Public Radio recently had an interview with Author, Jon Meacham. Mr. Meacham has written a book that is cited often in conversation, entitled “The Soul of America The Battle of Our Better Angels”. In the radio interview, Mr. Meacham has this to say: “And Woodrow Wilson, who’s a deeply problematic character but who wrote […]

“When the President Does It…”/Martin Rosenfeld, JD

June 3, 2018


One of the great moments of TV documentary, took place during the interview of former President Nixon by media personality, David Frost. Mr. Frost inquired if certain actions by President Nixon, such as the infamous Huston Plan, might correctly be deemed as illegal. President Nixon responded that “…Well when the President does it that means […]