Browsing All Posts published on »October, 2015«

The End/Martin Rosenfeld, JD

October 31, 2015


An article appeared in a recent edition of the WSJ on the leadership roles of CEO’s in the corporate world. The article touched on the issue of failure. Can a successful CEO ward of inevitable failure? The answer of course is that some failures cannot be avoided. However, a successful leader can determine how […]

Divorce and Stress/Martin Rosenfeld, JD

October 18, 2015


A post on reducing stress in divorce can be found at The author, Attorney Shawn Weber, gives a prominent role to alternate dispute resolution options. However, what is often overlooked is the role of forgiveness that is outlined. Forgive your spouse. “Holding onto anger is like drinking poison and expecting the other person to die.” […]

Negotiation/Martin Rosenfeld, JD

October 18, 2015


The late diplomat, Richard Holbrooke, once compared negotiation to jazz. Jazz is, in effect, a musical improvisation. In a negotiation the parties know where they want to go, but they don’t know how to get there. How then does one get to a successful resolution of issues when they don’t know how to get there. […]

Vietnam, Kissinger, and Mediation/Martin Rosenfeld, JD

October 10, 2015


A new book on Henry Kissinger was penned by Niall Feguson. According to this book, Mr. Kissinger had concluded as early as 1965 that a war in Vietnam was unwinnable. The best solution would only come about if the VietCong was given some role in a new government after a negotiation with all sides. The […]