Browsing All Posts published on »October, 2018«

What is the Opposite of Win-Win?/Martin Rosenfeld, JD

October 18, 2018


In mediation theory, the term Win-Win is used quite often. The need to get both sides to “win” on some important points is never overstated. But do people really try to achieve Win-Lose? A textbook example of Win-Lose is discussed in a piece for the Wall Street Journal (10/17/18) by William A. Galston. This is […]

Empathy/Martin Rosenfeld, JD

October 14, 2018


Ever have a bad day? We all have such days. How about a bad week? That too is familiar to many of us. How about a difficult few months? That is what happens to people who are in a crisis-mode. The reason for this bad stretch might be personal problems, medical issues, financial setbacks, etc. […]

Grievance V. Gratitude/Martin Rosenfeld, JD

October 14, 2018


Which political party was given a boost by the appointment of Justice Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court? Was it the Republican Party, which got to see the appointment of someone who espouses their strong conservative views? Or was the Democratic Party energized by the need to stand up for their principles which may have been […]